6 killed, 19 injured in attack on security checkpoint in southern Baghdad

The spokesman for the Baghdad Operations Command said that six persons were killed and 19 others injured in a terrorist attack on a security checkpoint in southern Baghdad.

The spokesman said that the attack took place when a suicide bomber blew up a booby-trapped tanker nearly 100 meters away from a security checkpoint in Al Yousufiyah district in southern Baghdad. 

Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) for Iraq Ján Kubiš strongly condemned the attack, saying "This heinous attack, the second targeting Baghdad in less than 10 days, was carried out by terrorists with the clear aim to make up for their defeat at the battlefield in Mosul and elsewhere." 

"Despicable acts like these will not weaken the determination of the Iraqi people, who have offered numerous and great sacrifices, to liberate their country from the terrorists," Kubiš said.

According to the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Baghdad was the worst affected governorate in Iraq by terrorist acts carried out by Daesh group.

Source: MENA