Daesh militants killed in airstrikes

At least 31 Islamic State (IS) militants were killed on Thursday in airstrikes and clashes with security forces in Iraq's western province of Anbar, a provincial security source told Xinhua.

In one incident, 18 IS militants were killed and five of their vehicles were destroyed in air strikes by U.S.-led coalition warplanes on two IS positions in the areas of al-Bu'eitha and Jereishy in northern the provincial capital city of Ramadi, some 110 km west of Baghdad, the source said on condition of anonymity.

Another 13 IS militants killed in clashes with Iraqi security forces in Huseiba al-Sharqiyah area, some 10 km east of Ramadi, the source said, adding that the troops seized IS weapons and large amount of ammunition.

Separately, two roadside bombs went off near security forces in Soufiyah district in eastern Ramadi, leaving five security members killed and two others wounded, the source said.

Security forces captured downtown Ramadi from IS control on Dec. 28, raising the Iraqi flag on the government complex there, but small parts of the city has not yet been fully secured due to a large numbers of bombs planted by the IS and because the troops wanted to avoid casualties among civilians.

For months the troops have been fighting to retake control of key cities and towns in Anbar, Iraq's largest province, from IS militants who previously seized most of Anbar and tried to advance toward Baghdad.

Source: XINHUA