Three rockets hit Baghdad Green Zone

 Three Katyusha rockets landed in Baghdad's Green Zone on Saturday night, just hours after fierce clashes between demonstrators and the security forces that resulted in the killing of four protesters and one security members, an Interior Ministry source said.

The rocket are believed to be launched from Baghdad eastern neighborhoods of Baladiyat and Palestine Street, which both are strongholds of followers the influential Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

There were no immediate reports of casualties by the blasts in the zone, which houses some of the Iraqi government offices and foreign embassies, the source said.

The heavily fortified Green Zone has been frequently targeted by insurgents' mortar and rocket attacks. The roughly 10 square km zone is located on the west bank of the Tigris River, which bisects the Iraqi capital.

The attack came after heavy clashes erupted in downtown Baghdad in the afternoon when thousands of people, mainly Sadr's followers, crossed al-Jamhouriyah Bridge to the western bank of the Tigris River.

The protesters marched at the gates of the Green Zone sparking clashes with the security forces, who fired tear gas and shot live ammunition in the air to disperse the demonstrators.

According to Baghdad Governor, Ali al-Tamimi, the clashes resulted in the killing of four protesters and the wounding of 320 others, 79 of them received wounds by gunshots.

On the other side, a statement by Baghdad Operations Command (BOC) said that a security member was killed and seven others wounded by the clashes.

The protesters demanded a change in the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC), which they argue that the electoral body is under the influence of leading parties.

They also demanded real and comprehensive reform in the political process in order to fight the wide spread corruption in the country.

Later in the day, Abadi ordered a probe into the casualties of security members and protesters that occurred during the day by the clashes between the two sides, and pledged to prosecute those responsible for the incident.

For its part, Sadr political office in a statement held the government responsible for the clashes that killed and wounded many people and security members.

"The government abused its unarmed people; fired gas and live ammunition on them and chased them in the streets and alleys despite they did not cross any barriers or bypassing any restrictions," the statement said.

source: Xinhua