Three policemen and sahwah elements were killed andthree others injured in an armed attack in central Ramadi in western Iraq.Iraqi police said today that armed elements riding three civilian cars opened fire at a joint police and sahwah checkpoint in central Ramadi killing three of them andwounding four others.In Fallujah, medical sources announced that 4 people, including a child, were killedand 12 others injured in random shelling at residential neighbourhoods of the city.The source pointed out that a girl was among the four dead adding that women andchildren were wounded during the random artillery and mortars shelling which tookplace in most neighborhoods of Fallujah.In another development, special army forces killed four members of Daashorganization or the Islamic State in Syrian and the Levant (ISSL) in clashes near thetown of Al Hegel, west of Kirkuk in northern Iraq. One army soldier was killed in theclashes.