Iraqi forces

About 28 members of Daesh terrorist group were killed by the Iraqi forces and the shelling of the army's jets which blew up booby-trapped vehicles in various areas of the Arab country.

The military media center in the joint operations command said Monday that the army's planes killed six extremists and damaged a car supplied with a machine gun in Kirkuk province.

The aircraft of the army targeted the area west to Ain al Asad base, leaving four terrorists dead and destroying a booby-trapped car as well as a weapon deposit.

The troops affiliated to the Anbar operations command damaged four booby-trapped vehicles and killed ten extremists in eastern Ramadi.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi army forces managed to defuse a booby-trapped school in Albugleeb neighborhood. The Iraqi troops also destroyed terrorist premises, killed seven terrorists, including two snipers, damaged a hummer vehicle and 34 explosive charges in Al Mahamadi neighborhood.

Source : MENA