Iraqi militants

Eight members of the Daash Organization or the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) were killed in clashes with local police in Dhuluiya in Salahuddin province in northern Iraq.
Police said at least 8 militants were killed in clashes which took place in Dhuluiya between elements of Daash and police, adding that the Army Air Force participated in the bombing of Daash militants destroying six of their vehicles.
The city of Dhuluiya was attacked at dawn today from two axes from the east and north, but the local police force halted the attackers while air fighters bombed the insurgents groupings.
In another incident, six militants were killed in a clash with Peshmerga forces, west of Mosul in northern Iraq. A security source said that six militants were killed in the clash erupted between gunmen and Peshmerga forces in the belt in Sinjar district, west of Mosul.
Meanwhile, military aircraft killed seven Daash militants in airstrikes east of Fallujah today.