Iraqi soldiers

Sixteen Iraqi soldiers were killed and 28 others wounded in an explosion targeting a military headquarters in the area of Tigris, south of Tikrit in northern Iraq, an Iraqi police source said.
Police said a person driving a car bomb targeted the headquarters of the army regiment in the area of Makshafiyah, south of Tikrit, killing 16 soldiers and wounding 28 others .
In an air raid, Sukhoi jet fighters bombed today strongholds of Daash Organization or the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant (ISSL) in Fallujah in western Iraq.
A security source said that the air strikes resulted in the killing of many of DAASH elements.
In a separate incident, a police source announced the death of two people and the wounding of nine others in a bomb explosion near a mosque in the Ghazaliya district, west of Baghdad.