Iraqi security forces

Two suicide bombers detonated explosives-rigged vehicles near positions of security forces in the city of Ramadi on Sunday, killing 13 people and wounding 17, Iraqi police and a doctor said.
One blast hit an under-construction building manned by Iraqi special forces in the city west of Baghdad, while the second struck a joint special forces-police checkpoint, the sources said.
Iraqi forces have struggled to regain control of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, from militants who have held shifting areas of the city since early this year.
Fallujah, a city east of Ramadi, has been completely out of government hands since January, while militants also seized other parts of Anbar during a sweeping jihadist-led offensive launched in June, when they overran chunks of five provinces.
The blasts in Ramadi came as Iraqi security forces, Shiite militias and Kurdish fighters broke a months-long jihadist siege of the town of Amerli, the government's biggest offensive victory since the militant drive began.