Top advisor to Daesh ringleader killed in Mosul · Iraqi fighter jets

Iraqi warplanes launched 48 air raids against Daesh terrorist group leaving 125 of its members dead.

Visitors of al Hussein shrine heading to Karbala in southern Iraq were secured.

The planes destroyed a tunnel as well as six vehicles and killed 35 extremists in Tal Afar Airport in western Mosul, said the Iraqi Defense Ministry on Sunday. 

The Iraqi aircraft damaged four depots of Daesh, a car belonging to the organization and killed 10 terrorists in Azba village in the southern axis controlled by the federal police.

In Omarkan village, a cannon and a motorcycle were destroyed.

The Iraqi jets killed 30 extremists in Khoder el Yas village and 12 others in Beshtalia village.

In the eastern Mosul axis, the raids left 12 terrorists dead and setting a motorcycle on fire as well as killing the two terrorists riding it.

The planes killed 12 extremists, destroyed a car as well as a tunnel in Tal Afar .

Source: MENA