Pro-government forces prepare ‘decisive’ Sirte assault

Libya’s unity government forces said Tuesday they were preparing for a final assault on the Daesh group’s stronghold of Sirte, after repelling multiple counter-attacks from the surrounded terrorists.
“Despite apparent calm along the fronts, our intelligence network is in full swing in preparation for the decisive battle,” forces loyal to the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) said in a statement.
Anti-Daesh forces launched an operation to retake Sirte — the hometown of late dictator Muammar Qaddafi — last month and quickly surrounded the extremists.
Daesh hit back with string of suicide car bombings in a bid to break the encirclement.
According to the pro-GNA forces statement, fighters were targeting Daesh-held areas of Sirte with heavy artillery as well as with “daily” airstrikes.

Source: Arab News