Dr al-Moatasem al-Mshai from the hospital of Mashashia, 120km from Tripoli, said that a group belonging to the Zintan tribe kidnapped Owaidat Mohamed Owaidan, the chief of Alfzano, which lies in the city of Mashashia. Al-Mshai explained in a phone conversation with Arabstoday that the armed groups had attacked on Tuesday the city of Gharyan that Owaidan had lately resorted to due to shelling and clashes. He added that a number of snipers following someone named al-Mohsen al-Zintan from the forces of al-Zintan brigades are on the mountain of the cordon separating the Mashashia and Zintan areas and are targeting any one approaches the area. The doctor also said calm had returned to the areas of Mizda and al-Shiqiqa and there was no sign of armed gangs in the two cities. He commended the general electricity corporation in the area for repairing the power plant of the two cities, saying that people were very glad when power returned. He added that Tuesday saw funerals of 68 people from Mashashia who were killed in shelling and violent clashes this week.