Libyan presidential council announces ceasefire deal in Tripoli

Warring Libyan parties have reached an agreement to stop fighting and provide safe corridors for the exit of all armed battalions and formations from Tripoli as per the security arrangements stated in the political deal, a source with the Libyan Presidential Council (PC) announced on Thursday.

Also, the accord recommended that the PC's presidential guards will assume the responsibility for securing and protecting hospitality palaces, the source said.

A committee of the Libyan Defense Ministry will be formed to follow up the exit of all armed battalions from the Libyan capital, Tripoli, within a period not more than 30 days, the source added. 

The ceasefire agreement was declared during a meeting held at the headquarters of the PC in the presence of the council member Ahmed Hamza, Defense Minister Colonel Al Mahdi Al Barghathi, Interior Minister Arif Khojja, and Commander of the Libyan Presidential Guard Colonel Najmi Al Nakua. 

Source: MENA