Swiss embassy in Libya

One person was killed and another injured during armed clashes with Libyan security forces after the two, as part of an armed gang, had broken into the Embassy of Switzerland in Tripoli.
The two individuals along with several others, said to have terrorist links, broke into the embassy and stole several contents, including "a car and wireless devices", according to spokesperson Mohammad Al-Ghunaimi, but it remains unclear to which group they belong.
The statement did not mention any reports of casualties amongst embassy staff, nor did it refer to the group holding any of the staff hostage before security forces stormed into the premises.
The group, who had planned the attack two days ago at a location close to the embassy in the capital city, according to the statement, was being watched closely by security forces, who upon launching a raid on the offenders inside the embassy killed and injured the two as the rest fled.
Investigations are ongoing into the incident in order to uncover the identities of the remaining members.