Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, a cousin of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, is allegedly accused of kidnapping leading Libyan dissident Mansour al-Kikhia, who disappeared 19 years ago, according to a Libyan party leader. In press statements on Wednesday, Ibrahim Omeish, secretary general of the Libyan National Democratic Alliance Party, said he has all documents that prove the involvement of Gaddaf al-Dam in kidnapping al-Kikhia Omeish said that he will submit the documents to Egyptian authorities. He also accused Gaddaf al-Dam of plotting against the Libyan revolution. Al-Kikhia was abducted in 1993 by the former regime and his body was discovered in mid-October in a grave in a Tripoli villa that once served as a headquarters for the Gaddafi's infamous intelligence services. Gaddaf al-Dam, former coordinator of Libyan-Egyptian relations, was arrested over corruption charges last week. He is also being interrogated for opening fire at Egyptian police officers assigned by the Interpol to arrest him, leaving one policeman wounded.