Armed Forces Chief of Staff Mahmoud Hegazy

Armed Forces Chief of Staff Mahmoud Hegazy, who is in charge of the Libyan file, held a meeting in Cairo with a group of Libyan media men, rights activists and intellectuals.

Assistant defense minister for foreign affairs Mohamed Keshki and Egyptian Ambassador to Libya Mohamed Abu Bakr attended the meeting.

The conferees came up with a 12-prolonged statement which underlined the importance of rallying efforts to realize political and peaceful reconciliation in Libya.

The statement lauded the efforts exerted by Egypt to settle the Libyan crisis.

The conferees backed the Cairo meeting declaration which was issued by a group of national powers that convened in Cairo on December 12 and 13.

The statement highlighted the importance of enhancing contacts with international public opinion to exercise pressure for implementing the Cairo declaration.

It also called for supporting professional national media to crush calls of inciting hatred, violence and terror.

The statement urged establishing a coordination media and culture panel under Mohamed al Bosifi to keep in touch with the Egyptian committee backing Libya to follow up the implementation of what was agreed upon and set the basis for confronting political violence.

The statement expressed solidarity with media men who are being harassed.

Source: MENA