Libyan troops found the bodies of a British man and a New Zealand woman shot dead southwest of Tripoli on Thursday, a security source told AFP. "The bodies of a British man and a New Zealand woman who had been killed by bullets were found on the beach in Mellitah on Thursday afternoon," the source said. The bodies had been moved to Tripoli, the source added, without giving any details on the circumstances of the deaths. The British Foreign Office said it was "urgently seeking" further information following the announcement of the discovery of the two bodies. "We are aware of reports that the bodies of two foreign nationals have been found in Libya and are urgently seeking further information from the authorities," a spokesman said. The Mellitah area houses a major gas complex run by Mellitah Oil and Gas, a joint enterprise of Italy's ENI and Libya's state-owned National Oil Company, which exports natural gas to Italy through the Greenstream pipeline.