8 Daesh militants killed in Benghazi clashes

Eight Daesh militants have been killed in clashes with military units in Souq al Hout in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi.

Military troops are closing in on Daesh militants in Souq al Hout, said Ali al Thabet, the spokesman for the Libyan naval force, Monday.

The troops are destroying Daesh targets, Thabet said, adding that Libyan jets have already carried out sorties against those targets.

Military engineering units are currently combing the area and dismantling mines and explosive charges to pave the way for infantry advances, Thabet said.

He denied news posted on facebook and twitter about troops storming Souq al Hout, stressing those reports are baseless.

Thabet urged the media to be accurate with news coverage.

Once the army has liberated any area, bodies concerned will announce the good news, he noted.

The Libyan army is making steady but slow advances, Thabet said, adding that Daesh elements are fiercely fighting back because they have no safe exits.

Source: MENA