mortar attack

Seven members of Libyan Special Forces were wounded in a mortar attack targeting their position in Benghazi on Wednesday, a Libyan military source said.

A shell, fired by the Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries, landed on the Special Forces position near a cement factory in Benghazi, which has been the scene of fierce clashes between the Libyan army and militants for months now, spokesman for the Special Forces Miloud al Zawi.

Some of the wounded are in a critical condition, he added.

Libya has been torn apart by conflict since the 2011 uprising against Moammar Gadhafi, as armed factions supporting rival governments in Tripoli and the east have fought for power and a share of the country's oil wealth. Militants abused the security vacuum to expand their influence.

Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city, has seen some of the worst fighting, with violence escalating when military commander Khalifa Haftar launched a campaign in 2014 against armed groups.

Source : MENA