49 army personnel killed during April clashes in Benghazi

Six Libyan army soldiers were killed and 43 injured during confrontations with terrorists in April in western Benghazi, medical sources said.

The sources said some of those injured were discharged from hospital.

Suq al Hout and Sabri are the only two districts in Benghazi outside army control. 

The Libyan crisis began with the Arab Spring protests of 2011, which led to the first Libyan civil war, foreign military intervention, and the ousting and death of Muammar Gaddafi

The civil war's aftermath and proliferation of armed groups led to violence and instability across the country, which erupted into renewed civil war in 2014. 

The ongoing crisis in Libya has so far resulted in tens of thousands of casualties since the onset of violence in early 2011.

Source: MENA