Clashes in Libya's capital Tripoli

Clashes in Libya's capital Tripoli killed 22 people and injured 72 others Saturday, the interim Libyan government said early Sunday.
"Heavily armed groups continued striking vital locations and civilians. The total casualties in the capital on Saturday were 22 dead and 72 wounded. Many families have been displaced inside and outside Libya," the government said in a statement on its website.
The government stressed that it is pursuing all mediation efforts in order to stop these attacks, according to the statement.
It added that the intransigence of the groups which are attacking the capital, and failure to respond to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the city are obstacles facing these efforts.
Tripoli International Airport and surrounding areas have been subjected for the past three weeks to violent armed clashes between Zintan militias, who control the airport, and Islamist armed groups from the city of Misrata, who attempt to take out the Zintan militias out of the airport.
Also, the eastern city of Benghazi has been witnessing violent clashes between forces of renegade General Khalifa Haftar and Islamist militant groups. Many of the army's camps are now in control of the Islamist groups.
According to the Ministry of Health, 214 people have been killed and 981 others wounded in recent clashes in the country up to July 30.
The government desperately attempts to control poor security situation in the country with many armed groups formed after the fall of leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Many fear the conflicts might slide into a full-fledged civil war, which could be even bloodier than the 2011 war.