12 freed Libya inmates tortured and murdered

The UN envoy to Libya has condemned the torture and killing of 12 people after their release from a militia-run prison.

The 12 were tried on charges of killing protesters during the 2011 uprising against Muammar Qaddafi. Justice Ministry spokesman Wessam Al-Saghir says they were released Wednesday, but on the following day their bodies were found in different parts of the capital, Tripoli. The bodies had bullet wounds in their heads and bore signs of torture.
UN envoy Martin Kobler said Monday he was “utterly shocked and saddened by this heinous and vile crime.”
The victims had been imprisoned on charges of committing abuses during the NATO-backed uprising that toppled and killed Qaddafi.
They were freed on condition that they report to the prosecutor every two weeks.
The Government of National Accord also denounced what it called a “despicable crime.”
A statement on its Facebook page called on security and judiciary authorities to find the assailants and bring them to justice.
Seddiq es-Sour, of the prosecutor’s office, said they had been arrested between 2011 and 2014.
Dozens of people are on trial in Libya for their role in the violent suppression of the revolt, including two sons of Qaddafi and ex-government officials.
In July 2015 several people were sentenced to death, including Seif Al-Islam, Qaddafi’s son and one-time heir apparent.

Source: Arab News