If media reports are to be believed, stork will soon visit Shilpa Shetty. Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra have something other than Rajasthan Royals\' victories this IPL to cheer for, reports India\'s Mumbai Mirror. The couple, who tied the knot after a two year long courtship on November 22, 2009, are ready to welcome a new member in their family, said the paper. Apparently, Shilpa has wanted to be a parent for a very long time. In a media report, in 2009, she said and the daily quoted her, \"I\'m desperate to start a family. I just love children, and we\'ve a beautiful readymade nursery (in the new house). I want at least two children. It certainly looks like Shilpa\'s dreams are coming true as the actress has been spotted at several clinics around the city. The daily\'s source confirmed, \"Shilpa is expecting and the couple are extremely happy.\" From : Arabstoday Shilpa shot to fame in the UK after she won the celebrity Big Brother, married Kundra in November 2009.