Party girl Minissha Lamba's Cinderella moment on the glam Cannes red carpet last week ended in disaster, after she had to endure a 16-hour detention on her return, for allegedly attempting to leave Mumbai airport without disclosing jewellery said to be worth Dh4 million. The actress, however, isn't upset with the sudden turn of events, claiming, "I had the choice of either crying or trying to make the best of a bizarre situation! Guess what I chose to do? I took a chill-pill!" And she described her detention on May 18 as "a molehill blown up into a mountain", adding, "I had just landed from Cannes, jetlagged and groggy. I just wanted to get home and sleep. Little did I know what was in store for me. Life is full of surprises."  Minissha revealed that the confusion had been caused due to a "minor discrepancy" in her papers and informed customs officials that the jewellery, which she insists is worth much less than the reported Dh4 million, was given to her by Anmol Jewellers for her Cannes red carpet moment. "The customs guys claimed they were tipped-off about  Minissha's jewellery," revealed our source. It was the second airport-related mishap to hit  Minissha after she lost her baggage while transiting through Nice. "Disaster has struck. A baggage of mine has been stolen at Nice airport. I can't believe something like this has happened," she tweeted on Wednesday.