A group of Egyptians have created a number of pages on the social network Facebook calling for the ban of Lebanese singer Elissa from entering Egypt. It has been alleged that Elissa had insulted the Egyptian January 25 Revolution, which overthrow the government of ousted President Husni Mubarak, in recent public statements. After announcements were made about a scheduled performance by Elissa at one of Egypt’s northern shore resorts, a campaign was launched on Facebook calling for all Egyptians to demand the banning of Elissa and active members of the pages created stated that they are willing to hold a march of millions to stop Elissa’s performance. It was added that people are willing to take drastic measures if Elissa enters Egypt. In a public statement made by Elissa in June that she had felt a state of stand still had taken over Egypt after the revolution and life was nothing like it used to be. Many had interpreted Elissa’s comments as an insult to the revolution and campaigns to ban the singer were launched.