French actor Alain Delon has confirmed that at least a shot was fired in his Geneva apartment, although he said his son was not the one who pulled the trigger. \"All that I know at this point is that my son did not take the shot,\" said Delon in an interview with Le Matin published Saturday. \"They messed around with, handled a gun, I don\'t know what and the shot was fired,\" he said, while on the way to western Switzerland\'s Geneva. \"My son breached my love and confidence by organising, without my knowledge, an evening at my place with his friends on the eve of our vacation. As a result, I received a call from the police. I am very sad,\" he added. The actor blamed the invasion of virtual reality for the behaviour of today\'s younger generation. \"With ultraviolent video games, Facebook, Internet and all the rest, our children are living permanently in the virtual world. It\'s really bad,\" he said. \"What would it be like in 20 years? And then they are brutally overtaken by the reality. Luckily this girl did not lose her life,\" noted Delon. Delon has been a Swiss citizen for 12 years and lives in Geneva.