singer Daly Hassan

A state of anger prevailed in Music Syndicate in light of the return of immoral songs, in the recent period, including the last song "Rakabny El Morjiha", by singer Daly Hassan. Observers said that this song is offensive to the reputation of the Egyptian song. They described the song as narcotics aimed at the lack of awareness among the public and a major mistake against the great singers on the scene.
The musician Hany Mehani expressed his displeasure for the existence of such a kind of songs, demanded to deal with them firmly so as not to repeat on the scene.
"Unfortunately, technology has a negative side that is used in terms of giving weak voices a chance to be on the scene without censorship," Mehani said, adding that anyone can make a song and put it on YouTube simply.

The musician, Helmy Bakr agrees with the previous opinion, saying: "Unfortunately, the musicians' syndicate and the decisions of banning singers from singing will not prevent them from making a video clip and presenting it on immoral satellite channels." He added the solution here is to enforce the law until we purify the Egyptian music of these models.

While the composer Hany Shenouda confirms that the music depends on words and language of the song.
Music Syndicate issued a decision banning singer Daly Hassan from singing in concerts and weddings, especially as she does not carry any permission to sing. Syndicate's members pointed out that giving a permit for this type of voice is detrimental to the reputation of the union and its members.