Call for jail time for LiLo

A prosecutor will ask a judge to find Lindsay Lohan in violation of her probation and order her to spend time in jail, a Los Angeles attorney\'s spokesman said on TuesdayA prosecutor will ask a judge to find Lindsay Lohan in violation of her probation and order her to spend time in jail, a Los Angeles attorney\'s spokesman said on Tuesday.The move is based on the actress\' most recent probation report that states she was terminated from a women\'s shelter where a judge wanted her to serve most of her community service, city attorney\'s spokesman Frank Mateljan said.Mateljan said Deputy City Attorney Melanie Chavira was to recommend at a hearing yesterday that Lohan be sentenced to jail if the judge agrees she violated her probation in a 2007 drunken driving case and a misdemeanour theft case earlier this year.Lohan is due to appear in a courtroom to update Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner on her progress. The judge in April sentenced her to serve 480 hours of community service, most of which she said should be served at the Downtown Women\'s Centre.\"We feel that her being terminated from it is a violation,\" Mateljan said.