Three Kuwaiti opposition lawmakers Thursday filed a motion to grill the Prime Minister. The fresh move to quiz Shaikh Nasser Mohammad Al Ahmad Al Sabah comes on the same day the parliament rejected by 25 to 18 votes and six abstentions a no-cooperation motion filed by 10 MPs against the prime minister over a perceived favourable bias towards Iran at the expense of relations with fellow Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member countries. In the latest motion, MPs Mislem Al Barrak, Faisal Al Musallam and Khalid Al Tahoos said that their quizzing would focus on alleged irregularities related to the budget, a hospital and a company and a case of rotten food. In their reactions to the news, several bloggers blasted the grilling move, insisting that it was stalling the country\'s progress and freezing genuine action. \"I am amazed by these MPs,\" Bu Hamad wrote on Al Aan news portal. \"If you do not like the prime minister and if you are not willing to work with him, you should leave. There is no reason for your staying. You have stalled the country [progress] and harmed people\'s interests,\" he wrote. A blogger signing as \"Enough\" said that some people are looking for personal glory at the expense of their nation. \"They just want to appear as national heroes at the expense of Kuwait\'s stability. You have slaughtered us with your crises. Please allow Kuwaitis to breathe. Please allow Kuwaitis to take fresh air that is not polluted by sectarianism, tribalism or self-serving interests,\" Enough wrote.