Tehran - FNA
Managing-Director of the Persian Gulf Holding Company Adel Nejad-Salim said the contracts his company has signed will be revised in order to protect the rights of the company’s stockholders. “Protecting the rights of stockholders and their capitals constitute a priority for Holding,” he said. He added that all 15 offshoots of Persian Gulf Holding and its stockholders are required to help so that the company will go towards development. “If the Holding’s member companies produce losses they could not remain and they will lose their status,” said Nejad-Salim. He said 27 percent of Iran’s polymer production belongs to Persian Gulf Holding. Abdol-Hossein Bayat, a member of Board of Directors of National Petrochemical Company, said the petrochemical prices will be reconsidered. “Gas and liquid feedstock prices are different and any pricing will be set by taking into consideration all aspects,” he said.