Ministry of Mineral warns any attack against mining company means targeting national economy

The Ministry of Minerals on Tuesday condemned attacks against any property of any mining company, saying such act is considered an assault against Sudan's National Economy.
The Ministry cited in particular attacks against companies working to get rid of the mercury residues left by traditional miners for gold extraction. The Ministry was referring to an attack against Al Hadaf Company which is working in south kordufan state.
The Minister for Minerals, Dr Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Al Sadiq Al Karouri, told group of officials including head of the minerals and energy committee in the national assembly that the assault on the company was under the pretext that it provides no social responsibility services inside the community where it operates.
The Minister argued that on the contrary the said company has implemented 25 million pounds worth of social responsibility projects and programmes.
He said the attack in which the properties of the company were burned down, was an organized act that target the company and that such attack is in fact targeting the national economy by targeting gold related company. 
He said they target gold companies because the country was now one of the main resources of the national economy. 
The company said it has incurred a loss of over 44 million Sudanese pounds that is about 23% of the company's properties.

Source: SUNA