Tehran - FNA
Managing Director of Turbine Machine Middle East Company, a subsidiary of the IDRO, Hassan Helali said the project is going through final stages and the first 4-MW turbine will be ready next year. He added that by indigenizing these turbines and related technical know-how, the country will not need CHP (Combined Heat and Power) systems based on gas turbines in the range of 3-8 MW. Helali said the technical know-how for designing and manufacturing such turbines is monopolized by a few countries. He added that the turbine will be soon produced by the Iranian engineers through IDRO\'s investment in a domestic plant in order to obviate the need for annual import of millions of dollars of similar equipment. CHP is a system for simultaneous production of electricity and heat, which uses the heat from turbines to produce steam or hot water and increases the output of turbines from 30-35 percent to over 70-80 percent.