Iran, in response to Washington's imposition of new sanctions against Tehran,

Iran, in response to Washington's imposition of new sanctions against Tehran, has put 15 American companies under sanctions.A statement by Iranian Foreign Ministry on Sunday carried by IRNA news agency said: "The Foreign Ministry announced that Iran has imposed sanctions on 15 American companies involved in propping up the Zionist regime, terrorists and suppressing civilians in the region." "Iran condemns the recent measure taken by the United States administration to impose one-sided extraterritorial sanctions against Iranian and non-Iranian individuals and institutions," the Foreign Ministry's statement said. 
"Imposition of new sanctions by the US is based on fabricated and illegitimate pretexts and amount to an action against the international regulations as well as the word and spirit of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action," it said."Hereby, Iran repeats and insists that strengthening and enhancement of the country's defense capabilities, including boosting Iran's missile defense power remains to be certain and inevitable in a bid to safeguard the country's right to defend itself against any foreign aggression and build up its deterrence power against threats." "Iran accepts no restrictions imposed against its efforts to protect its dignity, territorial integrity and security of the people."

Source: QNA