Khalid Mohammed Al-Aboodi ICD, signs the MoU with Tawfiq bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Khayal

Khalid Mohammed Al-Aboodi, chief executive officer of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), member of the Islamic Development Bank Group, and Tawfiq bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Khayal, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administration at King Abdulaziz University, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a cooperation framework in the field of researches and studies, development of educational disciplines, cooperative training and exchange of experiences in the fields related to the business sector and Islamic finance.
A key objective of the MOU is to provide an appropriate environment for studies, consultations and scientific research in areas of mutual interest, as well as the exchange of information, technical expertise, research and scientific references. The two parties also agreed to enhance cooperation in the fields of training and human resource development. This includes organizing conferences and seminars related to the common areas, as well as adopting permanent and temporary programs to benefit from Faculty teaching staff and ICD specialists in fields of mutual interest.
Khalid Al-Aboodi said that the MoU aims to enhance cooperation between ICD and academic institutions specialized in the Islamic business and finance sectors, which reflects ICD determination to deploy all efforts to encourage Islamic finance in the development of the private sector in member countries.
Al-Khayal expressed his pleasure to sign the MoU with ICD, whose operations and services cover its member countries that strive to provide all possible to their youth in various fields.

Source: Arab News