Cooperating with Danish company DONG Energy is a \"very promising\" development for Gazprom\'s efforts to advance power generation in Europe. Negotiators meeting in Moscow agreed to work together on existing natural gas-fired power plants in northwest Europe. New combined heat and power plants were also reviewed for Western Europe, Gazprom said in a statement. Alexei Miller, the top executive at Gazprom, described power generation as the core of its European business activity. \"Gazprom shows a particular interest in partnering with European energy majors on the existing power generation projects and in constructing new gas-fired power plants as well,\" he said in a statement. \"Cooperation with DONG Energy is very promising.\" DONG says it is a world leader in renewable energy. It\'s one of the world leaders in the construction of offshore wind farms. It owns the largest offshore wind farm in the world, which was inaugurated last month off the British coast. Gazprom and DONG Energy signed a memorandum of intend to work closer on gas-fired power generation in April 2011.