Manama - Bna
During the first week of October, ASRYdocked the largest offshore rig ever received by the company\'s dry dock. Owned by the Italian company, Saipem,the rig operaters for Saudi Aramco. Captain Sami Al-Doseri, Head of SeaPilotage with ASRY, said: \"This rig is the largest of its kind to bedocked in ASRY since inception 35 years ago\". He pointed out that thedimensions of the rig are 74 meters long and 74 meters wide. After dismantling,the width became 68 meters. The rig entered the dry dock for repair andmaintenance on 7 October and will remain for nearly two weeks. Captain Samiadded that the ASRY\'s dry dock is not designed to receive this size of rigs andtherefore the company had to dismantle ASRY Boiler Plate established in 1974 and inaugurated in1977, Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard Co. (ASRY) is a leading ship repairfacility located in Hidd in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Dedicated to providing shipowners and managers with first class maintenance and repair services, ASRY hasa 500,000 dwt capacity dry dock, two floating docks able to accommodate vesselsup to 120,000 dwt and two slipways, each with a dry berth length of 255 metresand a capacity of 5,000 dwt. Complementing the yard\'s full service facilities isa professional staff of experienced marine fabrication and repair craftsme Catering to a global market, ASRYspecialises in conversions, general repairs and overhaul of both commercial andnaval vessels as well as specialist crafts from the offshore oil and gasmarkets. One of the largest shipyards in the Gulf region, ASRY was among thefirst shipyards in the world to receive the ISO certification for Quality,Management, Environment and Health and Safety Systems.