The development of industry in Russia and China.

The development of industry in Russia and China and their cooperation in this sphere draws dissatisfaction from the Western countries, said Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov in the city of Kunming (southwest China) on Friday.

"You can see for yourself the difficult geopolitical and economic situation in which our countries are. It is chiefly due to the fact that we produce large volumes of competitive products - it concerns iron and steel industry and nonferrous industry, in particular aluminum," Manturov said at a press conference on the results of a meeting of the Russian-Chinese subcommission on industrial cooperation.

"The stronger the Chinese and Russian industries become, the more dissatisfaction it draws from our Western colleagues, in particular the US," he stated.

"However, it only motivates us all the more to cooperate in the areas we discussed today. These are, in particular, metallurgy industry, aluminum, radio-electronic industry, pharmaceutics, automobile industry and new groundbreaking spheres," Manturov reported.

"Pressure, sanctions and certain bans by the Western countries and the US push us once again toward cooperation and a search for joint solutions and products," the Russian industry and trade minister concluded.