Taiwan's administrative chief Jiang Yi-huah

Taiwan's administrative chief Jiang Yi-huah on Sunday accepted the resignation of senior economic official Chang Chia-juch, who insisted on quitting due to the island's deteriorating political situation.
Jiang had tried to dissuade Chang, who headed Taiwan's economic affairs, from resigning, but failed as the latter was very determined, according to Sun Lih-chyun, spokesperson of the island's administrative authority.
Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou expressed regret over Chang's resignation through a spokesperson but said he respected the decision. He also acknowledged Chang's contribution to reforms and economic progress in Taiwan.
Chang offered to step down on Thursday right after a meeting in which he was insulted by Chen Chi-mai, a lawmaker from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party.
Chen blamed Chang for a series of deadly gas explosions that killed 30 people and injured 310 in Kaohsiung last month.
In his resignation statement, Chang said that he was deeply saddened by some political figures' smearing of the economic authority with untrue information after the blasts.
He also said in the statement that he was also exhausted mentally and physically as opposition parties "hampered Taiwan's economic policymaking with scant regard for public interest" over the past one and a half years.
Cheng You-ping, political science professor with Taipei University, pointed out that Taiwan's political arena is filled with irrational judgments made purely only from political stances. It is very difficult for officials to win respect, and a string of important policies have been boycotted, which will prevent some talented people from pursuing careers in public service, he said.