Aid convoy from Syrians in Europe

The Syria Trust for Development received an aid convoy provided by Syrians living in Europe. The convoy contains 38 tons of clothes, shoes, and children’s toys.
Rashad al-Baz, the head of the convoy, which was organized by the “Partners of Peace and Development for Palestinians,” said the convoy faced some difficulties as it has come a long way from Europe and entered Syria via Beirut Port.
For his part, head of the Algerian delegation accompanying the convoy, Ahmad Brahimi, said his visit aims at inspecting the needs of the Syrians so as to work on providing them from people in Algeria and the Maghreb countries.
In turn, humanitarian support officer at the Trust, Rose al-Jarari, said that distributing the aid will take 8 days, and that it will be distributed in several areas in Damascus Countryside, Idleb, Aleppo, Lattakia, Tartous, and Hama.