Wuhan University

A symposium on new development idea and China's human rights protection was held on Saturday at Wuhan University, commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the United Nation's Declaration on the Right to Development.

More than 60 experts and scholars from universities and research institutes all over the country attended the seminar held by China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS).

The attendees said survival and development are the basic human rights and, China has made remarkable progress in implementing and realizing the development right particularly in the past more than three decades after the nation initiated reform and the opening-up drive.

Luo Haocai, CSHRS president, said the Chinese government has long been giving priority to the survival and development rights and the people's material and cultural standards of living have been broadly improved and their various rights have been guaranteed.

The new development concepts -- innovation, coordination, green, opening up and sharing, will help better realize the survival and development rights in the 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020), Luo said.

Cui Yuying, deputy director of the State Council Information Office, said China is an active advocate and important promotor of the UN Declaration on the Right to Development.

Li Long, a professor with Wuhan University, said China has made progress in protecting human rights in both the political and social fields.

Li Erping, a professor with Kunming University of Science and Technology, said China's Belt and Road Initiative will make great contribution to the development right of the world as China forms a community of shared destiny and shares development with related countries.