Exports in Singapore

Singapore's non-oil domestic exports (NODX) in July declined 3.3 percent year-on-year, due to the contraction in both electronic and non-electronic exports, the International Enterprise Singapore said on Monday.
On a month-on-month seasonally adjusted basis, NODX rose by 2.5 percent in July, following the previous month's 1.5 percent increase, the government external economy agency said in a press release.
Electronic exports contracted by 7.9 percent in July, while non- electronic exports decreased by 1.1 percent in July year on year.
Total trade contracted by 2.5 percent in July, as compared to the 2.5 percent increase in the previous month. Total exports declined by 1.6 percent, in contrast to the 4.0 percent expansion in the previous month. Total imports decreased by 3.5 percent, following the 0.9 percent rise in the preceding month.