Caspian Sea legal status

Russian government has approved signing of an international agreement on conservation and rational use of water biological resources in the Caspian Sea. The specific resolution signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was made public at the government’s website on Tuesday.
Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are signatory nations to the treaty along with Russia.
The accord “will permit creating international legal basis in regulating fishing of salmons and other water biological resources in the Caspian Sea region,” an explanatory noted to the document said.
“To attain goals of the agreement the signatories set up a committee for conservation and reasonable use of water biological resources and management of their joint reserves,” the Cabinet’s website said. In particular, this committee will set permissible fish catching volumes in the Caspian Sea, will distribute them in national quotas and will set export quotas on salmons and products made of them.
The 4th Caspian summit will discuss cooperation of littoral Caspian states in Russia’s southern Volga River city of Astrakhan on September 29, the Russian presidential press service said on Monday. Multipartite documents are expected to be signed at the summit.