EU ready to appeal to WTO over Russian

The ban on agricultural imports to Russia from countries that imposed anti-Russian sanctions will benefit Russian producers, said members of the Russian Civiс Chamber quoted by the press office.
“From economic perspective, this measure will hopefully not only protect the domestic market but also revive our long-suffering agriculture,” said chairman of real economy committee Sergey Grigoriev. It would revive the market and create new jobs, he added.
The measures provided “a certain chance for Russian producers to take a niche on the market and replace imports”, said chairman of small and medium business development committee Dmitry Sazonov. “But it is very important to find a balance with financial and tax burden on business,” he added.
According to chairman of investment climate committee Alexei Repik, “this regime may be quite favorable and even effective as an impetus for Russian production”.
“For some economic sectors, primarily agriculture, this will be a chance to seriously prepare for global competitiveness and boost their market shares,” he said. Russia will be able to go the way of treated by all developed countries such as Germany and Japan as they “created strong competitive sectors and companies by introducing protectionism and closing their domestic markets”.