Minister of Investment, Modathir Abdul-Ghani

Minister of Investment and Representative of Presidency of the Republic and he National Congress, Modathir Abdul-Ghani has underlined Sudan's openness to Africa and Arab World, 
referring to efforts being made by the Government in this connection.
Addressing the Refresher Conference of Economic Sector of the National Congress in Khartoum State at the Friendship Hall, Sunday, the Representative of the Presidency said the Government was contacting with many European countries and that many ministerial committees were moving with such countries , indicated to political and economic transformation made by revocation of sanctions against Sudan.
He said Khartoum State was state of production and animal resources and distinguished by using up-to-date technologies, calling for placing more attention to animal resources sector.
The Representative of the Presidency of the Republic stressed that Khartoum State was on the center of concern of the Country's political leadership.
Wali(governor) of Khartoum State and Chairman of the National Congress in the State, Lt. Gen, Abdul-Rahim Mohamed Hussein said the conference aims to discuss he production in 2017 in targeted fields for increasing production and for substitution of imports and increase of the exports.
He said the Country was entering into era of accord which, he elaborated, was fruit of dialogue that last for over three years.

Source: SUNA