Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission, Sartaj Aziz.

Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission, Sartaj Aziz on Monday said that Pakistan wanted to facilitate Afghanistan for transit trade.
“We wanted to have meetings with Afghanistan to resolve the business related issues existing between the two
neighboring countries, ” he said while talking to a private news channel.
Pakistan desired to hold meetings with Afghan official but they were reluctant to consider the offer, he said.
Through dialogue involving the official of both the countries, the issues of transit trade could be addressed,
he said.
Expressing serious concerns over attacks targeting the children and the people of Pakistan from Afghan soil,
he said that we would take action to counter such objectionable activities.
To a question, he said “We will not allow India for transit trade with Afghanistan through using the land of
Indian trade was not associated or linked with Afghanistan, he said.
To another question, he said efforts were being made to improve the roads linking Chaman-Torkham border for easy
passage of trucks.

Source: APP