Counterfeit goods

Up to 1.2 million counterfeit goods and 130 million cigarettes were seized during an international joint customs operation coordinated by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).
The European Commission in a statement Monday said the operation, code-named REPLICA, targeted the import of counterfeit goods by sea.
These checks uncovered a wide array of bogus goods including cigarettes, perfumes, car and bicycle spare parts, toys, fashion accessories and electric devices.
Operation REPLICA was organised within the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) framework as part of joint efforts in the fight against counterfeit goods. It was the first time that a Chinese Customs Liaison Officer worked from the operational headquarters at OLAF in Brussels.
Algirdas Semeta, EU Commissioner responsible for customs and anti-fraud, said "operation REPLICA shows what can be achieved when customs authorities, international partners and industry work together to fight fakes." "Counterfeit goods defraud consumers, harm legitimate businesses and cause huge losses to public revenues. Counterfeit cigarettes also undermine public health policies," he added.