In Herbon

Israeli authorities notified residents of Wad Eben Zaid, north of Yatta and to the south of Hebron this morning that a military order will seize 2000 dunums of their land for army use.
The coordinator of the Popular Resistance Committee against the Wall and Settlements in Yatta, Rateb Al-Jbour, declared  that  the Israeli authorities gave residents from the Wad Eben Zaid region a military order  dated from 1997 to colonize around 500 acres of their land.
Al-Jbour added that the residents did not know about this declaration and that part of these colonized lands had been used to build homes. The land belongs to the Al-Nameen, Al-Jbareen, Abu- Aram, Al-Doudra and Al- Hmamdeh families.