Irish Trade Mission a real opportunity to deepen links

"There is a real opportunity to deepen the links we have and the relationship that already exists between Ireland and the UAE," the Irish An Tanaiste (Deputy Prime Minister), Frances Fitzgerald, said last night.

Mrs. Fitzgerald, who is also Ireland’s Minister of Enterprise. Business and Innovation, is currently visiting the UAE at the head of a 32-member trade mission organised by Enterprise Ireland, the country’s trade and export promotion agency. The companies on the mission are focused on the aviation and FinTech sectors, with several exhibiting at this week’s Dubai Airshow. This, she said, "underlines the tremendous skills of Ireland in technology and innovation."

"The visit provides an opportunity to highlight our product development and capabilities as well as our diversity," she told the Emirates News Agency, WAM. Noting that the composition of the trade mission demonstrated the attention being paid by Irish companies to research and development, she added, "The potential (for growth in exports) isn’t just in aviation and FinTech, but in a lot of other areas too, like food, agribusiness, dairy products and, of course, tourism, as we build upon our growing relationship."

Expressing her satisfaction with her "very good" meeting yesterday with the UAE’s Minister of Economy, Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansouri, yesterday, Mrs. Fitzgerald added, "Ireland and the UAE are in many ways similar countries, sharing a commitment to enterprise and to research and innovation. We are both committed to working with new technologies and with artificial intelligence, and we can have a very good partnership."

"Describing herself as "very ambitious in terms of expanding trade," the Minister added, "There is a lot of scope for exchange and I am confident that relations will grow and develop in the years ahead."

Irish exports to the UAE last year reached a volume of 1.4 billion Euros (AED6 billion), with a target having been set of reaching 2 billion Euros (AED8.58 billion) by 2020.

Earlier, at a reception held by the Irish Ambassador, Paul Kavanagh, the Minister praised what she described as "the amazing, stunning architecture" of Abu Dhabi and Dubai and thanked the 10,000-strong Irish community for their contribution to the development of links between Ireland and the Emirates.

This morning, Tuesday 14th November, Mrs. Fitzgerald and the CEO of Enterprise Ireland, Julie Sinnamon, along with members of the trade mission, held a working breakfast with members of the Irish Business Council – Abu Dhabi to exchange views on trade and export promotion. The mission travels to Oman later this week.