Iran’s tile and ceramic exports to Pakistan

Iran’s commercial attaché in Pakistan Morad Ne’mati Zargaran has said that value of Iran’s tile and ceramic exports to Pakistan until the end of this year will reach to more than $ 30 million, which shows growth around 50 per cent as compared with last year.

According to statistics, since the beginning of the year from March 21 to November 21 around 8.5 million square metres of tile and ceramic worth $ 20 million were exported to Pakistan and it is hoped that the amount will increase to $ 30 million by the end of this financial year, March 20, 2018, Radio Tehran reported.

He reminded the tile and ceramic are Iran’s second export items to Pakistan after bitumen and oil.

In Pakistan, International Construction Industry Exhibition, a contract to build a cement mill worth $ 25 million was signed by Iranian side in Pakistan.

Zargaran said that Pakistan’s use of tile and ceramic is 100 million square metres annually, of which 20 million square metres are produced domestically and 80 million square metres are imported from abroad.

Pakistan International Exhibition on Construction Industry was held on December 18-20, 2017.