Iran and Syria signed an agreement in which Iran will export electricity through Iraq to help Syria, ministers said. Conflict in Syria has left at least 10,000 people dead since fighting began May 2011. The U.S. and European governments placed an oil embargo on Syria last year in response to the fighting and Damascus early this year said the oil sector lost $4 billion because of sanctions since September. Iranian Energy Minister Majid Namjou met with Syrian energy officials in Tehran to sign an agreement in the electricity sector. The agreement calls for the export of 50 megawatts of electricity through transit networks in Iraq, a figure that could reach 200MW, Iran's Press TV reports. Damascus called on allies in Tehran to prepare for private sector investments to help rebuild power plants damaged during the conflict. Pipelines carrying oil and natural gas in Syria have been the frequent target of anti-government forces. Namjou said Tehran was obligated to back the Syrian government given its support since the Iranian revolution in 1979. "The Islamic Republic of Iran will not leave Syria alone in such a difficult situation," he said.