First stage of Vostochny

A hefty 50 billion roubles (roughly an equivalent of $1.5 billion) will be invested in the construction of the Vostochny space site in 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin told an on-site conference devoted to the space port’s development prospects.
“We are investing huge funds into its construction. Since 2011 more than 100 billion roubles has been spent for the purpose and another 50 billion roubles are to be disbursed next year,” he said.
Putin called for strict compliance with all deadlines and construction phases.
“It is essential to rule out any delays and disruptions in its financing. Also, financing must remain under strict control. There should be no groundless overspending,” he said.
Construction work on the site of Russia’s Vostochny space port is 30-55 days behind time, President Vladimir Putin said.
“I would like to stress that at this point construction work at the launch pad and technical support facilities is lagging behind 30 to 55 days,” Putin said. He called for paying “due attention to that.”
According to the president’s sources, a little more than six thousand workers were present at the construction site every day.
“The actual demand, and the Roscosmos chief confirms that, is 12,000-15,000,” Putin said. He called for verifying construction work schedules and looking into whether they were complied with effectively.
Putin said that next year Vostochny should be ready to launch any unmanned spacecraft with the medium class rocket Soyuz-2 and to join manned space programs in 2018. He added that in the longer term the space spot’s capabilities would be built up for launching heavy and super-heavy rockets and for exploring the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies.
Putin added he was well aware of the colossal amount of work to be done.
“We have just walked about the construction site. A great deal has been accomplished. I would like to stress that,” he said, adding that there was still room for improvement to make construction work better coordinated.